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Worksheet 8.6.2 Activity: Dimension and Degree

Recall that a basis for a vector space is a linearly independent spanning set, and that the dimension of a vector space is the size of a (any) basis for the space.

If \(K\) is an extension field of \(F\text{,}\) we can view \(K\) as a vector space over the field of scalars \(F\text{.}\) In this case, we say the degree of \(K\) over \(F\text{,}\) written \([K:F]\) is the dimension of this vector space.


Find a basis for \(\Q(\sqrt{7})\) over \(\Q\text{.}\) What is \([\Q(\sqrt{7}):\Q]\text{?}\)


One possible basis is \(\{1, \sqrt{7}\}\text{,}\) making \([\Q(\sqrt{7}):\Q] = 2\)


Find a basis for \(\Q(\sqrt[3]{5})\) over \(\Q\text{.}\) What is \([\Q(\sqrt[3]{5}):\Q]\text{?}\)


One possible basis is \(\{1, \sqrt[3]{5}, \sqrt[3]{5}^2\}\text{.}\) Thus \([\Q(\sqrt[3]{5}):\Q] = 3\text{.}\)


Suppose \(\alpha\) is a root of \(p(x) = x^5 -6x^4 + 9x^2 + 3\text{.}\) Find a basis for \(\Q(\alpha)\) over \(\Q\text{.}\) What is \([\Q(\alpha):\Q]\text{.}\)


The polynomial \(p(x)\) is irreducible by Eisenstein's criterion. Therefore, it is the minimal polynomial for any of its roots, including \(\alpha\text{.}\) We then know that \(\{1, \alpha, \alpha^2, \alpha^3, \alpha^4\}\) will be a basis for \(\Q(\alpha)\text{,}\) making \([\Q(\alpha):\Q] = 5\text{.}\)


What is the general rule here? Some things to think about: If you claim that you can always find a basis in some systematic way, how do you know it is really a basis? How do you know the basis is linearly independent? How do you know it spans?


We claim that \([\Q(c):\Q]\) is equal to the degree of the minimal polynomial for \(c\) (so the degree of the extension is the degree of the polynomial). In fact, we know that \(\{1, c, c^2, \ldots, c^{n-1}\}\) will always be a basis (where \(n\) is the degree).

Why is this? We know that \(\Q(c)\) must contain all powers of \(c\text{.}\) However, \(c^m\) for \(m\ge n\) can always be expressed as a linear combination of \(c^i\) for \(i \lt n\text{,}\) using the minimal polynomial for \(c\text{.}\) This proves that \(\{1, c, c^2, \ldots, c^{n-1}\}\) spans \(\Q(c)\text{.}\) To see why this set is linearly independent, note that if it were not, then there would be a linear combination of powers of \(c\) that was zero. But that would give a polynomial equal to zero at \(c\text{,}\) making \(c\) a root of a polynomial of degree less than \(n\text{.}\)


The polynomial \(q(x) = x^5 -7x^3 - 5x^2 + 35\) has \(\sqrt{7}\) and \(\sqrt[3]{5}\) as roots. Does this mean \([\Q(\sqrt{7}):\Q] = [\Q(\sqrt[3]{5}):\Q] = 5\text{?}\) Why not?


Clearly this cannot be true, since we already said that these degrees were \(2\) and \(3\) respectively. They key thing that made our argument work above was that the polynomial was a minimal polynomial.

To further see that this is silly, what would the basis for \(\Q(\sqrt{7})\) be if it had size 7? Would it be \(\{1, \sqrt{7}, \sqrt{7}^2,\ldots, \sqrt{7}^4\}\text{?}\) That is clearly linearly dependent, since \(\sqrt{7}^2\) is a multiple of 1.

We now have a fairly good idea how to work with \(\Q(\alpha)\text{.}\) What if we consider \(\Q(\sqrt[3]{5}, \sqrt{7})\text{,}\) the smallest field containing \(\Q\text{,}\) \(\sqrt{7}\text{,}\) and also \(\sqrt[3]{5}\text{?}\)


We can think of this as an extension of an extension. Take \(\Q(\sqrt[3]{5})\) as our base field. Adjoin to that \(\sqrt{7}\) to get \(\Q(\sqrt[3]{5}, \sqrt{7})\text{.}\) What is \([\Q(\sqrt[3]{5}, \sqrt{7}):\Q(\sqrt[3]{5})]\text{?}\) Use the general rule we discovered above and also find a basis


Over \(\Q(\sqrt[3]{5})\text{,}\) the minimal polynomial for \(\sqrt{7}\) is still \(x^2 - 7\text{.}\) For what else could it be? The only way that there could be a smaller degree polynomial would be for there to be a degree 1 polynomial, but in that case, we would have \(\sqrt{7} \in \Q(\sqrt[3]{5})\text{.}\) It is not obvious, but this is not the case.

Given that, we know that the \([\Q(\sqrt[3]{5}, \sqrt{7}):\Q(\sqrt[3]{5})] = 2\text{.}\)

A basis will be \(\{1, \sqrt{7}\}\text{.}\)


Using the basis above and the basis for \(\Q(\sqrt[3]{5})\) over \(\Q\text{,}\) find a basis for \(\Q(\sqrt[3]{5}, \sqrt{7})\) over \(\Q\text{.}\)


A basis for \(\Q(\sqrt[3]{5})\) over \(\Q\) is \(\{1, \sqrt[3]{5}, \sqrt[3]{5}^2\}\text{.}\) So every element of \(\Q(\sqrt[3]{5})\) can be written in the form \(a+b\sqrt[3]{5} + c \sqrt[3]{5}^2\text{.}\) These are the coefficients we can multiply by basis elements \(\{1, \sqrt{7}\}\) for \(\Q(\sqrt[3]{5},\sqrt{7})\) over \(\Q(\sqrt[3]{5})\text{.}\) So a general element in \(\Q(\sqrt[3]{5}, \sqrt{7})\) has the form

\begin{equation*} a+b\sqrt[3]{5} + c\sqrt[3]{5}^2 + a'\sqrt{7} + b'\sqrt[3]{5}\sqrt{7} + c'\sqrt[3]{5}^2\sqrt{7}. \end{equation*}

A basis is thus

\begin{equation*} \{1, \sqrt[3]{5}, \sqrt[3]{5}^2, \sqrt{7}, \sqrt[3]{5}\sqrt{7}, \sqrt[3]{5}^2\sqrt{7} \}. \end{equation*}

What is \([\Q(\sqrt[3]{5}, \sqrt{7}):\Q]\text{?}\) What is the general rule for degrees of extensions of extensions?


From looking at the basis above, we see that the degree over \(\Q\) is 6, which is of course, \(2 \cdot 3\text{.}\) It certainly appears this will always work. In other words, if \(K\) is an extension of \(F\text{,}\) which is an extension of \(E\text{,}\) we have

\begin{equation*} [K:E] = [K:F]\cdot [F:E]. \end{equation*}

What if we started with \(\Q(\sqrt{7})\) and then adjoined \(\sqrt[3]{5}\text{?}\) Repeat the analysis you did above to make sure we get the same results about degree and basis.


We do indeed get the same thing. The minimal polynomial for \(\sqrt[3]{5}\) is \(x^3 - 5\text{,}\) even over the extension field \(\Q(\sqrt{7})\text{.}\) Thus \([\Q(\sqrt{7},\sqrt[3]{5}):\Q(\sqrt{7})] = 3\text{.}\) A basis is \(\{1, \sqrt[3]{5}, \sqrt[3]{5}^2\}\text{.}\)

If we combine this with the basis for \(\Q(\sqrt{7})\) over \(\Q\text{,}\) we get a basis for \(\Q(\sqrt[3]{5}, \sqrt{7})\) over \(\Q\text{:}\) \(\{1, \sqrt{7}, \sqrt[3]{5}, \sqrt{7}\sqrt[3]{5}, \sqrt[3]{5}^2, \sqrt{7}\sqrt[3]{5}^2\}\text{,}\) containing 6 elements, as expected.


What is \([\Q(\sqrt{2}, \sqrt[4]{2}):\Q]\text{?}\)


At first, this might look like a counterexample to the “tower rule” we gave above. The minimum polynomial for \(\sqrt[4]{2}\) over \(\Q\) is \(x^4 - 2\text{,}\) which has degree 4. The minimum polynomial for \(\sqrt{2}\) is \(x^2 - 2\text{.}\) However, \([\Q(\sqrt{2}, \sqrt[4]{2}):\Q] = 4\text{,}\) not 8. This can be seen easily by noticing that \(\Q(\sqrt{2}, \sqrt[4]{2}) = \Q(\sqrt[4]{2})\text{,}\) as this already contains \(\sqrt{2}\text{.}\)

The point is that the tower rule is correct: you do multiply the degrees of each extension. But these degrees are not always the degree of the minimal polynomials over the base field. Each time you go up one floor in the tower, you must again ask what the minimum polynomial for the next element you adjoin is.